We've all heard the expression, " You are what you eat."
This is used to help us understand nutrition. Junk in Junk out, Healthy stuff in Healthy stuff out.
This should be every one's first hint that your oral cavity is connected to the rest of your body. Health is a whole body experience. Athletes don't perform their best if they use the wrong 'fuel'. We all need to go back to basics and realize that we are a whole person not just individual parts. What happens to your foot can affect your hip which in turn can affect your back and so on.
Unlike Vegas, what happens in the mouth does not stay in the mouth. From the nutrition we take in, to the care we take of our teeth, gums and bone, the problems and solutions don't stay only in the mouth. If you have an infection in your mouth, it is safe to say that the bacteria is your blood stream and traveling to other parts of your body. Poor Oral health has been linked to cardiac conditions, low birth weight and other systemic issues.
There is an expression in Dentistry, 'you only need to brush and floss the ones you want to keep.' Perhaps we should rephrase it to, 'you only need to brush and floss in order to keep your heart ticking.'
Just Sayin'
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