Saturday, March 31, 2012

As the World turns… oh wait that’s been cancelled.

As the World turns… oh wait that’s been cancelled.

The original draft of this blog was dealing with the uses of social media, and the ways we all connect with each other.  I was going to discuss how our Social Media guru and I turned my mild mannered Office Manager into the tweeting Queen.  But I have a newer focus now.

Last week on my day off, before the work day was even beginning.  I received a phone call from one of my hygienists, “Terry’s(my Office Manager)  been in an accident, we need you to come to the office.”

Not to worry, Terry is fine.  While waiting to make a left turn into our office parking lot her car was rear ended, crushing the trunk practically into the back seat.  While she was being taken off in the ambulance I was on my way to the office.  What does this have to do with social media and technology communication; I promise I’ll get there.

Using her mobile phone, Terry called her husband and he arrived quickly, right after the accident.  Phones were used to call 911.  My hygienist used her mobile phone to call my mobile phone since we are all programmed into each other.  She could have texted but she knows that I would have called and asked questions so better to talk. 

Via Facebook I received a message from Terry’s sister that she was on her way to meet them at the ER, also by means of Facebook, she kept me up to date on what was happening.  I used her Facebook chat information to keep Terry’s daughter, who lives in Maine, current as to what was occurring by instant messaging her on Facebook.

As she was being released from the hospital, Terry was texting me as to her conditions and I was forwarding the information verbally within the office and a short notice on our office Facebook page.  Later in the day I noticed on Twitter, multiple conversations between Terry and her daughter in regards to what was happening.

How did we keep each other in the loop prior to all this technology?  Are we communicating more or less because of the technology?  I would say more, but will the next generation know how to speak or just type?  Social media and communication works.

Oh and did I mention that they did their new car research online.

Just Sayin’

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