Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to me?

Tomorrow is my birthday.  Am I supposed to be overly reflective, and look back upon the past XX years?  Are there rules?  How about looking forward.

In the office today we are celebrating by giving gifts and cupcakes to people that come in, even the mailman, Larry. Perhaps he'll hold the bills for a day. 

This birthday/holiday weekend will incorporate some personal enjoyments and giving back to the community.  On Sunday our office team is one of the sponsors of the Griswold Youth and Recreation Department's Youthtopia.  We have a booth and will have all types of things to give out, including dental advice.  So if you are around town , stop by and say hello.

The one thing I will reflect on is a toast that was given at my cousin's wedding almost 20 years ago. their friend stated:  May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future.

Along with that ideal and the famous words of Master Yoda, "May the Force be with You."  I will venture forward into a new year.

just sayin'

1 comment:

  1. That XX? That would be 49. Your last year of 40-something. Join the club... and be proud of it - you've earned every single gray hair!

    Just sayin'

    XOXO, Lisa
