There is an old riddle: The more you take away from me the bigger I become, what am I?
The answer is:
A hole.
Since we finally had a bit of a break in the rain this weekend, the begonias I bought last week finally got planted. It seems that the more dirt I remove from the beds I was work on, the more I had to do. It appeared to be never ending.
I reminded me of a dental patient I saw recently. We thought we were going to be restoring a small pin hole in the occlusal (chewing surface) of the tooth. There was no radiographic (x-ray) evidence, simply a small stick and a dark spot. We figured an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Oh how wrong we were, the decay had infiltrated almost the entire internal structure of the tooth. The decay even broached the nerve chamber, with no symptoms.
Alas a root canal. a core build up and crown were eventually needed. Just like my gardening, the more I removed, the greater the opening I experienced. Except with my yard work there doesn't seem to be an end in sight, my patient is luckier.
It is always better to take a proactive approach to health care.
Just sayin'
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