Saw The Fighter this past weekend. Very enlightening film. Not only does it show the dark side of drug use, and the struggle to overcome addiction, but it shows how the spirit of one man can change his family.
Most of the time we all know what to do to accomplish our goals, but we never get there, why is that? Why is it that some people get all the way? Are they really better than the rest of us? Probably not. So what do they have? I feel liker the Wizard of Oz. They I'm not going to open my carpet bag and pull something out.
What some of the best athletes have is GOOD COACHING. Having someone to answer to, to guide you, to see objectively how you are doing, and to be honest with you, that is how you accomplish your goals.
In The Fighter, Micky Ward knew how to box, but needed a change in coaching and management in order to propel him tho the next level. It is foolish to think that we can go it alone.
Our goal is to coach our patients into helping themselves better. By the time we reach adulthood, most people have been taught how to brush and floss dozens of times, but they need that reinforcement.
My daughter needs her figure skating coach to say, "...pull your arms in, leg out, and smile...", she knows all this but we all need reminding.
A few years ago we utilized the coaching services of a Dental Consulting company to help us refocus. We still use many of the items we learned from them, but if we want to strive to be even better perhaps we need a change in coaching style, technique and direction.
We all want to be better at what we do. We all seek out teachers, coaches, and mentors. They encourage and guide us.
Just Sayin'
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