I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day.
This has been a wonderful weekend. It started with a great course on photography Friday morning. I had to leave early in order to attend my daughter's graduation.
As we sat outside in the bleachers watching the graying, darkening sky along with the occasional lightening crackle, we held our breath...would the weather hold? It did. The rain didn't occur until shortly after the ceremony was over.
Saturday night we celebrated a friend's birthday at Junior's restaurant at the MGM Grand. What a great evening.
Father's day morning I was in the office repairing a young man's upper left central incisor. He was in town visiting his parents (who are patients of mine). He broke it eating a spare rib.
In roughly an hour I helped him be able to smile for his mother and father on Father's Day.
My weekend ended with my daughter baking a pizza sized cookie for us al to share. Don't worry we will brush afterwards.
Just Sayin' ... have a happy day
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