Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let the count down begin...

It is that time of year again... have you been naughty or nice?

No matter whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or any thing else there is something in the air this time of year, and I don't mean the flu virus.  The air is crisp with an anticipation that can't be quantified.

Is it children anticipating gifts wrapped with colored papers and ribbons?  Is is adults hoping for an end of year bonus or gift?  In this economy is it just the thankfulness of having employment? or the hope that the new year will be a better year?  As the trees lose their leave and prepare for winter hibernation and await spring's 'renewal', so do we...

Whatever it is, there is an extra spring in people's step.  They Smile more, and in my business that is a currency all its own.  I hope to spend some time reflecting on the past year and planning for the next.  After all, failing to plan is planning to fail.

What are your plans over the next few weeks? Other than trying to avoid the crowds at the mall.  Will you utilize the Internet more?  Big Box stores or Shop Locally at local small businesses?  Whatever you plan, do it wisely, and safely, with a smile on your face.

A smile is small gift that keeps giving, be nice to the clerks in the stores, they are trying to survive this time of year like everyone else.

So, naughty or nice? only you know for sure.

Just sayin'...

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