Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What are you reading??

I am amazed at what people read.  Some people like Shakespeare, some, Stephen King.  Others like mysteries, and some love stories.  I am even more amazed that people are reading ME.

This blog has been going for around 2 weeks, and I am thrilled by the feedback and commentary, both online and in person.  To a certain degree, this started out as an exercise and a launching pad for hopefully something greater, but now in its infancy i am just trying to nurture simple ideas.  I appreciate all the feedback and input.

Your support is greatly appreciated and welcome.  As one friend noted she liked the way I brought it all back to dentistry, well after all, that is what I do 30-40 hours per week for the past 23 years so it does define me a bit.

I wasn't sure if anyone was going to read this, and I am thrilled that you all are, just as I am thrilled when a patient acknowledges that they heard what we have to say.

Thank you for the encouragement.

Just Sayin'

Monday, May 30, 2011

Back to Work?

Monday holidays create a short work week.  It also creates some confusion.  Today is the start of the business week, but is it Monday or is it Tuesday.  It is Tuesday, but doesn't it feel like Monday.

For most people it's just another week, but for school kids it is the beginning of the end.  School will be over soon, things are winding down.  Stress levels increase with exams looming, and the need for hair, makeup and dresses to look perfect for the Prom.  Don't even consider the stress levels involved with wedding season beginning.

When preparing for the Prom or wedding does it ever occur to take a closer look at your smile.  How about making sure your  hygiene visits are up to date. Don't want that special day to be ruined by stained teeth, or heavy tartar build up and bad breath. 

How about considering whitening your teeth professionally so that along with the spray tan you can have a spectacular sparking smile.   We have multiple options for brightening up your smile.

It's your special day, do something special for you.  (whitening is something Men can do for themselves, since they don't usually have too much to concern themselves with in the hair and make up department)

Just sayin'

Sunday, May 29, 2011


First of all I want to thank everyone for all the birthday wishes over the past few days.  My 'holiday' weekend was spent doing things for me as well as others.  Yesterday morning I attended a workshop/demonstration given by Master Potter Peter Leibert.  His work and his artistic eye are amazing, it was an honour to be able to learn form him.

Today, my day was spent at Griswold Youth Recreation's Youthtopia.  This community wide event was truly a spectacular undertaking.  Ryan Aubin and his team are to be commended.  Griswold Dental Associates is proud to have been a partriciapant and sponsor of this event.

For pictures from today's event, visit our facebook page www.facebook.com/griswolddental

My wife and daughter will arrive back from Kansas, in a few hours (at my wife's college roommate's dauther's Bat Mitzvah). Tomorrow, monday, Memorial Day, we will all be home together to celebrate my birthday once again.

I think I'm beginning top like this daily celebration, even if my waistline doesn't.

Let us all remember why we have this holiday, to remember those that have sacraficed so that we might celelbrate freely.  When you are eating thos hotdogs and hmaburgers, remember those who came before in order to allow you to choose freedom.

Just Sayin'

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to me?

Tomorrow is my birthday.  Am I supposed to be overly reflective, and look back upon the past XX years?  Are there rules?  How about looking forward.

In the office today we are celebrating by giving gifts and cupcakes to people that come in, even the mailman, Larry. Perhaps he'll hold the bills for a day. 

This birthday/holiday weekend will incorporate some personal enjoyments and giving back to the community.  On Sunday our office team is one of the sponsors of the Griswold Youth and Recreation Department's Youthtopia.  We have a booth and will have all types of things to give out, including dental advice.  So if you are around town , stop by and say hello.

The one thing I will reflect on is a toast that was given at my cousin's wedding almost 20 years ago. their friend stated:  May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future.

Along with that ideal and the famous words of Master Yoda, "May the Force be with You."  I will venture forward into a new year.

just sayin'

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Is it my impending birthday, or is it the fact that today's world requires a bazillion user names, passwords, user id, random access code provider.  there are days that I feel like I can't remember anything.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I remember almost everything.  I have always prided myself on the ability to multitask and remember conversations, people, events, dates, and the ever changing dental materials and procedures.

But recently I've had to start keeping a notebook with passwords, user id, and which email address  it is associated with.  Recently while trying to log into the bank as I usually do in the morning, after entering my user id, and then password , and then randomly generated access code from my special bank token, I was informed that it was now time to change my password, AGAIN.

It needed to be eight characters:  letters and numbers, upper and lowercase, and include one special symbol, and i had to input it before I could continue.  Online timer gave me 2 minutes before I would be logged out.  Oh, the pressure, no time to plan and think of something clever or that I might remember.  Hence, I now have to WRITE it down in order to remember it.

Technology was supposed to make life easier, when did it become more complex?

Just Sayin'

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You want the good news first or...?

First, the Good News: The sun is shining here in Southeastern CT!!

After all these years you'd think I would get over it, but sometimes I can't help it.

Remember the expression: Don't shoot the messenger.

Why is it when we have to give someone news that isn't spectacular, it is our fault. 

We had a patient in recently for her hygiene appointment.  When my hygienist discovered a previously healthy area now had a very deep pocket that would require extensive treatment, the patient made her feel guilty about finding the area. We didn't put it there, we found it.  Better to treat the area than to lose the tooth.   We see our patients only a few times a year, the other 360ish days there oral care is literally in their hands. 

We found it, We can fix it, We didn't cause it.

Just Sayin'

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So long, Farewell, Goodbye...

They say things come in threes.

I am saddened to say that over the past  few weeks we have lost three patients.  While this may not be unusual in many offices, based upon size and population, it is rare for us.  Not only were these men long time 'family members' of our practice, they showed us what being a true mensch (a true person in Yiddish) was all about.  They lived long and productive lives, they were pillars in the community and all around great men.  Over the years, I probably spent as much time listening to their stories as I did actually performing dental services.

Their ages ranged from 80 to 91, and they had seen a lot and learned a lot and they were willing to share a lot.  We are nearing the end of a generation that remembers before television existed and extends into a time when carrying mobile devices is common.

We are coming to a end of an era of true gentlemen.  This is one of those occasions when we must learn from the past in order to have a better future.

Jack, Kurt, and Steele, you will be missed.


Your dental care provider and friend.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Riddle me this..

There is an old riddle:  The more you take away from me the bigger I become, what am I? 

The answer is:

 A hole.

Since we finally had a bit of a break in the rain this weekend, the begonias I bought last week finally got planted.  It seems that the more dirt I remove from the beds I was work on, the more I had to do.   It appeared to be never ending.

I reminded me of a dental patient I saw recently.  We thought we were going to be restoring a small pin hole in the occlusal (chewing surface) of the tooth.  There was no radiographic (x-ray) evidence, simply a small stick and a dark spot.  We figured an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Oh how wrong we were, the decay had infiltrated almost the entire internal structure of the tooth.  The decay even broached the nerve chamber, with no symptoms. 

Alas a root canal. a core build up and crown were eventually needed.  Just like my gardening, the more I removed, the greater the opening  I experienced.  Except with my yard work there doesn't seem to be an end in sight, my patient is luckier.

It is always better to take a proactive approach to health care.

Just sayin'

Friday, May 20, 2011

Would you let me be your Make-up Artist?

While I have a minor in Fine Arts, and a Degree in Biology, prior to becoming a dentist, would you let me do your make up? (I asked the women in my office, no takers, a few snickers and giggles though)

I have an esthetic eye, and I can identify vita tooth shades rather quickly but would you let me apply your foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow?

I can't sell cosmetics without a license, what would allow a cosmetic store to be able to sell tooth whitening products?  If you read the attached information with their whitening product, everything states that if something goes wrong or there are probelms, contact your dentist.  Should we just start with the dentist and do it correct and safe the first time.

I am very confused.  I think my years of education and clinical practice should outweigh some cosmetic salesperson, when it comes to things to put into one's mouth to alter what nature has given them.

Just Sayin'.

If you are curious about what I am ranting about you can click on the link below.


Ark Building

Rainy Days got you down?  We all find these gloomy days, dreary and depressing.  And with all these end of the world people out there we need to try to look on the bright side, if there is one.

1.  Reservoirs will be full, less chance of a drought.
2. Gardens and lawns will be green
3. Kids won't be as anxious to get out of school
4. Won't have to use our well water to fill pool (of course we can't use the pool in the rain)
5. Regrowth and Renewal
6. The sunshine afterwards will seem that much brighter, like a freshly polished smile.

All courtesy of Mother Nature

and it should only last another week or so.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not so Social media?

As I begin my foray deeper into the social media world, I have to wonder how social is it?  As I registered an additional 17 domain names so that no one else would 'steal' them from me like they did our very first web address, I realized I did this while sitting at my computer all alone.

My family was downstairs watching TV, and eating cupcakes, and my wife brought me a cupcake with the warning not to make any crumbs.  I ate it in silence as I typed. But I ate alone, in a house full of people.

While I may have made contact with numerous people around the globe, did i just miss the ones nearest by?  Don't get me wrong we almost always have dinner togeter and talk but it seemed odd that this 'social' event can be so anti social, also.

Kids today use their thumbs more than their tongues to communicate.

Social media has allowed me to wish an old friend a happy birthday yesterday, very easily and at my convenience.  It also allowed me to engage in a interesting discussion on what we do at a new patient exam, with dentists from across the country.

Ah, the yin and yang of it all.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My first Blog off my website

Another jump into the social media deep end of the pool.  Not sure if anyone will ever read this but I might as well give it a shot. 

First of all I need to learn to type faster and without looking at my fingers.

I just started reading Social media for Dentist 2.0. and I got the itch to expand my blogging arena, so this will start off samll and hopefully grow.

The perpetual rain here in Connecticut is making everything rather  gloomy so I thought trying a new adventure might brighten my outlook.

After all I recently learned from a twelve year old patient, " When life hands you lemons, make lemon merangue pie."

Gotta smile after that one.