Monday, May 30, 2011

Back to Work?

Monday holidays create a short work week.  It also creates some confusion.  Today is the start of the business week, but is it Monday or is it Tuesday.  It is Tuesday, but doesn't it feel like Monday.

For most people it's just another week, but for school kids it is the beginning of the end.  School will be over soon, things are winding down.  Stress levels increase with exams looming, and the need for hair, makeup and dresses to look perfect for the Prom.  Don't even consider the stress levels involved with wedding season beginning.

When preparing for the Prom or wedding does it ever occur to take a closer look at your smile.  How about making sure your  hygiene visits are up to date. Don't want that special day to be ruined by stained teeth, or heavy tartar build up and bad breath. 

How about considering whitening your teeth professionally so that along with the spray tan you can have a spectacular sparking smile.   We have multiple options for brightening up your smile.

It's your special day, do something special for you.  (whitening is something Men can do for themselves, since they don't usually have too much to concern themselves with in the hair and make up department)

Just sayin'

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